As I struggle to wrap my mind around the horrendous events of Charlottesville this week and the President’s remarkable failure to clearly denounce white supremacy, I am listening to the song – We Are One Tonight by Switchfoot, which has special place in my heart.
Back in 2006, as Doris and I were driving through “The City” to visit her grandparents in Chinatown, we were talking about the very real possibility of our first child coming into this world. As we drove, slowly through the seemingly maddening and chaotic streets, this song played in our CD player and we were transported to another reality! We were One with the world! The Lincoln Tunnel was a giant red carpet ushering us into a glorious palace city, where streets were not obstacles to be avoided or get through as quickly as possible, but to intentionally linger in. Are those car horns joyful trumpet blasts from the beloved community of God? The skyscrapers seemingly reaching up to heaven in praise! The throng of diverse peoples surrounding us was seen as they really were, someone’s beloved child. Love growing in real time, block by block, in unimaginable and powerful ways not containable by my heart for my new found human family. A glimpse of God’s vision for humanity: the possibility of the Kingdom of God among us, The City of God: the fruition of God’s dream for creation since way back at the garden. We were One that night and our “little one” came early the next year. Thanks be to God! So, as the whole world seems to be going upside down, don’t lose heart. Please remember that God still “dreaming out loud!” God still desires to show us a new world: God’s City where love and hope reign and we can be One Tonight. So no matter your racial, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic designation, you have invaluable worth, value, and dignity. Never doubt that Kingdom reality of who you are in the eyes of God. My prayer is that the church might have those eyes as well. “Though the world is flawed – These scars will heal.” One Father, One Son, One Holy Spirit, created One Human Family. Can we be One Tonight? The scripture tells us, Yes We Can: “I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no person could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!” – Revelation 7:9-10 Take a moment and hear a song that long ago transported me into a glimpse of God's love. That love remains, "let's scream it out loud!" We Are One Tonight music video:
About TimI'm a follower of Christ, husband, father, friend, pastor, story teller, asker of questions, inspired by biblical narratives, social justice advocate, sports enthusiast, drinker of over priced coffee and general seeker of God's redemptive possibilities. Yeah, that about covers it. (If you discover something else, let me know!) Archives
May 2022
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